Run starting at Klahani Park (not the mtn bike trailhead)
As some of you may know, Pam Engel, one of our amazing ski team mom's, is battling cancer and will be in Vancouver for treatment over the next few months. Pam and Luke and their family have an amazing farm that requires a lot of work to keep it flourishing. To show our support and help where it's needed, we are organzing a ski team work bee on Thursday, July 18th from 10 - noon at the Engel's (1851 65th St SE).
The U14/U16/U18+ will still have practice that day at 8:30 at Klahani - they will run for an hour or so and then head over to the Engel's as a group for the rest of morning (until noon) to help out at the farm.
All ski team families are encouraged to join us at the Engel's from 10-noon. We will be doing berry picking, weeding and whatever else we can to lighten the load for Pam's family. Please bring water, snacks, sunscreen, gardening gloves and a ton of positive energy to send to Pam and family.