On snow practice at sovereign lake
Track Attack U10/U12 - Skate technique
9:00am - noon
Please note that we will be starting skiing at 9:30, up there by 9:00. We are encouraged to join the Regional Teck Camp (see Glenn’s email for more information on how to register), which runs that morning 9:30-12:00. it will be cold, around -10, so please dress warmly in layers, and pack a snack or light lunch.
The regional camp will be our team practise as well, ( we are not holding a separate team session)
Arrive at 9:00am - Adam will organize the groups, on snow skate technique at 9:30am to noon.
You are welcome to attend the afternoon classic session if you are able and Sunday as well if you can. The more skiing you can do this time of year the better.
More details below
Camp Notice: https://race.teamtelemark.ca/teck-regional-camp-okanagan/
Registration Online: https://zone4.ca/register.asp?id=30179