Peewees: Please bring boots if it looks like the ground will be wet. You will also need ski striding poles, running shoes/dry socks, and warm clothing including mitts and toque. Bring a lunch, snacks and water. Each person needs to bring clippers of some sort to be able to participate. We will be doing a practice session from 9 - 10 am then trail clearing from 10:15 - 11:30 am.
Bantams: Please bring boots if it looks like the ground will be wet. You will also need ski striding poles, running shoes/dry socks, and warm clothing including mitts and toque. Bring a lunch, snacks and water. Each person needs to bring clippers of some sort to be able to participate. We will be doing a practice session from 9 - 10 am then trail clearing from 10:15 - 11:30 am.
Midgets: Meet at Rubberhead parking lot at 8am to drop kids off. Bring ski striding poles, gloves, very small pack with jacket, ? toque or hat, small snack, water bottle. Parents please meet us at the chalet with the kids lunch and a pot luck snack to share. We hope to arrive at the chalet at noon but might be a little late! Parents wanting to skistride/run with us are welcome to join on this epic adventure!!
Juveniles+: Practice will be at South Canoe
Development: We will meet at the chalet at 9 am. We will hike/run for 1 hour. You may want dry clothes for the trail clearing from 10 am to noon. Bring water, a snack, gloves, and long handled pruners if you have them.