Park in the Canoe Beach lot. The bantams will be rollerskiing in the parking lot so probably best to park in the angled parking spots.
Juveniles+: Classic roller skiing. Bring running shoes too. [And, please bring your skate roller skis to share with the other groups who don't all have roller skis to use.]
Midgets: Bring ski striding poles and running shoes.
Bantams: Bantams will be roller skiing and running. Bring running shoes, ski boots, skate poles, helmet, high vis vest, water.
Pee Wees: We will be doing a relay race with 2 kids on each team. The teams will be made up based on which kids will be attending. Each child will run and bike each section. Helmets are required. Please email Mike Chubey: and let him know whether your child will be attending by Tuesday October 10 and if they have a bicycle. We may be able to have a team share a bicycle if need be.
We will need parent help.